Friday, September 30, 2005

Honest, hard working, people

Hihi, I just found this article detailing some of the, hrm, let's say lenient ecomics employed by the higher ups at my former place of employment.

My favourite part has got to be that a second company, conveniently owned by the director, was getting paid to develop the same game that we were making. But, uhm, I don't remember getting any help from them. Very strange, indeed.

Haha, this joke just cracks me up.
Kungen: "Vet du vad jag heter i förnamn?"
Drottningen: "Ja, du heter ju Carl Gustav"
Kungen: "Nix. Hans. Hans Majestät"

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Prison break

Sooo, I just downloaded the first 6 episodes of Prison Break, and started watching this morning. I think I saw a trailer for the series in an commercial break in a badly ripped wrestling episode, and thought "meh, why not", forgot about it, and then found the series by accident while browsing mininova yesterday.

After the first episode, I thought that this was going to be to Oz what Numbers is to CSI, but after just having finished watching the second, I'm not so sure anymore. This might actually not be that cute, after all.

This little piggy went "wee wee wee", all the way home..

On a related note, it kinda weird how I, more often than not, judge TV shows of a action/violent nature by the amount of profanity. After 20 minutes of Prison Break, I was thinking "nah, this can't really be that good, I mean, these guys are obviously doing hard time, and no one has said motherfucker yet". I used the same rule when deciding to download The Closer. I'm pretty sure I had it on the other day, and someone said bullshit. I'm hooked, tihi.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

What's all the fuss about?

Some angry voices have been raised this week about TV4's decision to air the show "Paradise Hotel" in the early afternoon when small children are watching TV.

Now, I'd never actually seen more than a few seconds of the show, and I think I remember zapping to it once or twice, only to think that the hotel inhabitants are actually too stupid to be entertaining, but with all this fuss, I thought I'd give it a chance.

.. aaand, I must say, I'm pretty sure that Mr Granskningsnämnd is going to recieve serveral angry complaints from upset parents pretty soon. In 30 minutes, we were treated to boobies, a gratuitous shower scene, and grainy 30 second footage of a couple screwing. If this isn't what I'd want my children watching, then I don't know.

I guess I'll be taping Bev from now on.

Edit: Well, I guess our children are educated in adult affairs now, as Paradise Hotel no longer airs at 16.10, but has been moved to 22.35. Hihi.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Da waiting game

Soo, I had my interview last Thursday, and I think it went as well as I could have hoped for. I think the guys liked me, and their product, while not being the most sexy piece of software ever, is in a phase where a lot of fun design issues have to be made, and tons of funky code has to be written. Fingers crossed, and all that jazz, until they hopefully contact me for a second interview this week, or the next.

In wrestling news, and I hope I don't spoil this for those of you that haven't seen Unforgiven yet, but I like the direction that RAW is taking, and find that there's not a lot to be pissed off about. Cena still has the title (although he must inevitably loose it with Eric Bischof on his back) and Flair will probably be holding on to his belt for a short while, while the come up with a new contender for the intercontinetal title.

The only thing bothering me is the whole Undertaker/Orton feud, which is rather pointless. I mean, sure, the fans really dig Taker, but the dude must be well over 40 years old now, and he hasn't been that innovative for the last decade or so. Have Orton take the title from Flair, then Ric and the Undertaker can have their "old dudes talk about the past" segment, or some shit like that. Problem solved.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

About time..

Yay, I've just been called to an interview at a software company in Göteborg next Thursday.

If all goes according to plan, this DirectX/MFC haxor will be working at a company that uses OpenGL and Qt. Go figure.

In more work-related stories, it looks like my old employer, Gizmondo Studios, is pretty much going down the shitter. The 28 remaining developers in the UK have been fired, as have 9 people in the Helsingborg office, where I used to work.

Looking back, being fired was without a doubt the best outcome for me. It would have sucked sooo bad if I had been on work on time, and done mindless tasks the last 4 months, only to have been sacked in late August.

I'm really psyched about the interview, as I've gotten so fed up with the automated job-seeking nonsence, and it's gonna be nice to talk to a real person, and explain to them what a great guy I really am..

Oops, Molten Core raid in 40 minutes. Time to start conjuring water for the lads!