Get back to me already!
Hey hey. It's been a while since my last post, which is actually kinda weird, as blogworthy things have actually been happening.
I'll just quickly bring y'all up to speed, and then I can safely go on future rants without worring about my faithful fans not knowing what I'm up to.
Here goes.
A couple of weeks ago, I send my CV to a games company in Göteborg, SimBin. They replied that it seemed very interesting, but that they didn't have any real opening at the moment, but that something might pop up in the very near future, so they definetely wanted to meet up.
So, last Friday, I went to SimBin HQ in Göteborg, and met the crew. The meeting went well (as I always seem to think it does), and they promised to get back to me in the beginning of this week.
Monday came and went, Tuesday too, Wednesday, yeah, nothing there either. Thursday. You're starting to get the picture. But, wait! Thursday evening, around 23-ish, when I was, let's see, raidingly drunk, I received a mail from the COO and CTO. I went a little something like this:
Tackar för besöket förra veckan det var mycket trevligt att träffa dig. BådeAnd that's pretty much what I've been doing for the last 36h or so. The project was to code a space invaders clone, given some graphics and sound effects, and a basic SDL stub, along with some core functionality for loading/rendering stuff like fonts, sound effects, images etc.
jag och Peter har varit på ett event SimBin haft i Stockholm ons/tors det är
därför det tagit lite tid med att återkomma.
Vi är mycket intresserade av att jobba med dig och tror du skulle passa in
bra i teamet, för att vara helt säkra skulle vi dock vilja att du gjorde
vårt arbetsprov som du hittar bifogat. Jag tror du kommer tycka det är
ganska roligt. Vi har valt att ha det tidsbegränsat och jag skulle uppskatta
om du har det klart och mailar tillbaks resultatet innan kl 2000 på lördag.
I pretty much coded non-stop from 10 am to 3 am on Friday, and went off to have a pretty piss poor nights sleep. There's something bad about waking up around once an hour, which your mind full of singletons that need to be written and classes that need refactoring.
I got up at 8 this morning, did the aforementioned refactoring (which was surprisingly painless), smacked together a quick document, scored 82 800 points (level 9, baby!), and sent it off.
Then I went to bed, woke up around 16.05, made some meat ball sandwiches, stuffed them in the oven, wrote this blog, and pling! they're done.