Monday, October 24, 2005


A few weeks back, I posted a link to a report on some of the economic misdemeanors that the good folks at Gizmondo were up to. Well, today I saw that Aftonbladet had run a small exposé on the same theme, highlighting the fact that 3 of the 4 swedish bosses had served quite long prison sentences. Funny stuff.

On that theme, I was joking around with a couple of friends that we should send in a game concept, "The Uppsala Job". It starts with you choosing which of the 3 felons, uhm, I mean high executives, at Gizmondo you want to play. The kung fu fighting Johan Enander, or the sneaking, embezling Tjock-Steffe.

It's really not thaat like me to gloat at the missfortune of others, but this is just too hilarious.

Ooh, looks like the news made the front page of Aftonbladet. I guess I'll have to go against my no-tabloid rule, and buy myself a copy today.


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