Monday, December 20, 2004

An uneventful journey

Just got back from Göteborg, and I haven't really got that much to report. I'm still mildly amused by the fact that the "telephone free" section of the train really is just the first 16 seats in a regular compartment, and that the good people of SJ are oblivious to the fact that sound actually does travel!

I started reading Erlend Loe's "Expedition L" today, and I really love his style. I've read "Naiv, Super" before, and remember that I enjoyed it too.

The author is tired of being 29 and still not having contributed anything towards putting Norway on the map. One day divine inspiration strikes, and he realizes that maybe the indiginous people of South America got to the Polynesian Islands by ice-skating, so he decides to put together an expedition.

Following his train of thought, and reading the delusional parallells he draws between himself and the great explorers before him is very entertaining, and his easy going, slacker attitude really works for me. Alot of the logical conslusions when facing adversity are brilliant; nobody seems to want to finance his expedition, so he draws inspiration from Magellan, and starts dating a 19 year old with a rich father, in hopes of marrying her and getting the dad to throw in some cash. Pure genius.

Just one more day at work before Christmas holidays! Yay!

By the way, how cool isn't Postman Pat?


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