Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Lunch time ramblings

I had some wicked bad cravings for Chicken McNuggets today, so I rushed off to my local McD, where I was promptly told to chill for 5-6 minutes while they fried my chickens to perfection.

Now, their isn't really that much to get excited about in the house of our lord, Ronald McDonald, but I can't help giggling everytime I see one girl's name tag (she's called Youmama), and admiring the sarcasm with which another girl wishes people bon apetit. She's got a McJob, and she's making the best of it. Cudos.

Ok, now I've finished those little buggers off, so it's time to get back to work. It looks like I might actually get the stuff done today that I've supposed to have been doing for the past two weeks!

Some late breaking news! I was just informed that the Christmas "bock" in Gävle has been burned to the ground. The police have no clues, but are working under the assumption that the fire was intentional. Geez, you think? :)


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