Saturday, January 29, 2005

Automate me

It's the pesky little two minute chores that piss me off sometimes, and that I think that, in 2005, damn well should be automated.

Brushing teeth
Was it Demolition Man that had a leach you stuck in your mouth, and it swam around for ten seconds, leaving you with clean, pearly whites? I want something like that. I hate the floss, brush, flour crap that you have to do morning and night. On a related note, I don't think dentists have gotten better at their jobs, they've just found more expensive ways to mend our holes.

I do this perhaps once a week, when the stubble starts to itch, and I know that my skin doesn't like it. I don't think leaches are the solution here, though. I'll get back to you on this.

Putting your plate in the dish washer
I have to admit that a small dish washer is probably up there in my top 10 things I've ever bought list, but it's still a burden to actually rinse the plate a little, and stuff it in the machine.

Moving bills from the hallway floor to my "pay me soon, perhaps just a week late" thing on my desk
When I get a bill, I mostly open it, and leave it on a piece of furniture in the hallway. If it's from those bastards at CSN, it often just stays on the floor. Now, somehow I'd like the bills to automatically be transported to my desk where I actually have a place for stuff that needs to be payed. That you can't get everything on autogiro these days is just appalling, with the CSN pricks being the worst offenders.

Recycling my newspapers and beer bottles
They just lie around everywhere, until I have like 3-4 bags worth. Bah.

Now, question, do celebrities have people that do this kind of stuff for them? That would be pretty damn cool.


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