Monday, June 27, 2005

You are the one, you're my number one

Yeah, I haven't posted in a few weeks. Fuck you.

For the last few weeks, I've been busy experiencing the "end game" in Warcraft. The hardest dungeons in the game, some designed for 10-15 people, and some for up to 40, and it's been a pretty interesting time.

The most fascinating part has actually been seeing how greedy and selfish people can become, just to inflate their e-peens by an inch or two. Hrm, fascinating is probably the wrong word; it's more like scary.

Your own guild mates will screw over 5 people they promised to help, just so they can get some more cash and buy some new fantastic item they need. Bah, I can rant about these assholes all day long, but it isn't really worth the bandwidth. Some people are just morons. Wow, insight of the century.

I'm pretty psyched that I've got a spot in a 40 man team for the final dungeon in the game now, so I might write something about that, when we start killing those bad boys.

Oh, on a happier note, both John Cena and Batista successfully defended their championship belts in last night's PPV, which was pretty cool.

Oh, oh, and I'll most probably be going to another wrestling event with some friends in Göteborg on July 2:nd, which is very cool.

Uhm, and I've sent my CV to Lavasoft, the makers of the anti-spyware program. Hopefully I'll get an answer soon, as they seem like a pretty funky company, and I really don't feel any real need to stay in the gay ministry.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Son of a biiaaatch

Has there been a recent court ruling or something, that allows the use of the expression "son of a bitch" on TV all of a sudden?

Everyone from Jack Bauer to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin seems to blurt this out when they are upset (which is basically all the time), and it's starting to scare me.

Oh noes! Twisted Retard has been fired from GBGWrestling!

On a related note, this is funny shit!

Monday, June 13, 2005


Please dear god, don't give the title to JBL now that John Cena has been drafted to RAW. Thank you.

Friday, June 10, 2005

My own little Negrodamus

I predict that all the brand name wrestlers on Smackdown will move over to RAW, and that Smackdown will become ECW. How you like them apples?

Haha, I just recieved a copy of the letter my union rep sent to my boss, and it is just too awesome not to quote:

Som ombud för Magnus får jag härmed uppmana er att betala de förfallna lönefordringar m m som framgår av bifogade kravspecifikation, bilaga 1.

Hela summan skall betalas inom en vecka från den dag då ni får detta brev. Har ni invändningar mot kraven skall dessa framföras till mig inom samma tid.

Om ni inte betalar inom den angivna tidsfristen kommer CF att inge en ansökan om konkurs mot er.

This time, I ain't joking when I say "nobody fucks with the union".

"And the prize for employee of the month goes to...."



I think I may be starting to get some kind of structure in my life, for the first time in a very long while, although it might be too early to tell, and I might relapse at any given moment.

A lot has to do with me finally realizing that the real secret to Warcraft is just not being retarded, and that the biggest time sink is probably hanging out with stupid people, that fuck stuff up, get you killed, and make you have to do the same encounters over and over again.

The game mechanics are pretty damn simple; monsters attack the guy they percieve as the biggest threat, so make sure you've got a plate wearing bad-ass filling that roll, keep him alive, and you're pretty much done. With a few twists, of course, but that's pretty much it. The retards are the toilet paper wearing mages, who do a shitload of damage, piss the monsters off, get killed in 2 blows, and pretty much screw the group over. And the paladins.

Anyway, with that out of the way, I realize that I can safely spend the better part of the morning and afternoon actually doing useful stuff. Like.. uhm.. well.. I've finally started going to the gym, which is good.

It sucks that you can't really compare running on a treadmill to running out in the open air, and I think it's basically just a stupid technical hurdle, having to do with treadmills not having a negative gradient. Or that's what I keep telling myself.

A couple of months ago, I started running a 10km circuit, that took around 53 minutes or so to complete. The circuit had a few killer hills, and a few really nice downhill runs, but the majority was flat, open country running, and I loved it.

The problem with running at the gym is that the circuits don't obey Kirchovs (sp?) Law, saying that the sum of all slopes has to be zero, ie you end up at the place you started. I can choose a few different profiles, but none of them have any real downhill running, so you can't really get your strength back.

I guess I really just want to be able to compare the outdoor circuit with the indoor circuit, and know that it's doing me as much good. I don't really care that much for explosive muscles, I just want to be able to keep bitching for a long time, and I want to know that the 20 minute, around 4% up hill, run I'm doing at the moment is giving me this.

Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, it's narcissism, not vanity, baby!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hello Mr Shit, meet Mr Fan

The quite boring drama "I still haven't gotten any pay for the month of May", might have taken an interesting turn today, after I contacted my union, and cried a little.

In all honesty, I had no real hope that the union could do anything to get my money, but I just wanted to bitch a little, and after telling all my friends online, and blogging about it, I still felt unsatisfied. So I wrote my union-rep, and gave her the 411.

She asked me for the exact amount they owed, and said she'd send a formal "give Magnus his money, or we're gonna fuck you up" note, with the added twist that if I didn't get paid within a week, we were going to sue them. Oh yeah, I want interest on the cash too.

And this is what's happening right now. I had no idea that an employee could exert that amount of pressure, although it would be pretty stupid if the employer could just withhold your salary and you couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Hihihi, I find this pretty amusing :)

Originally posted by Itzena
Smart paladins, anyway.
Okay now you are just being silly.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

On hot chicks

So, I just came back from the gym, and have made an incredible discovery regarding hot chicks; when handing stuff to them, we 90% of the time drop whatever we're giving them!

There was this incredibly hot chixor behind the counter at SATS, so I tried to play it cool, and hand her my gymcard, so I could get my locker key. But instead, I dropped the card a few centimeters from her hand, to which she responded "there seem to be a lot of flying cards today", and I proceeded to giggle like a little girl.

This is when I realized that I wasn't alone in suffering from this, and started to wonder why. My two most prevalent theories are: 1) I'm afraid I might accidentaly touch her, and melt, and 2) I just want her to bend over so I can check out her ass. The nerd in me says 1, but the roid quaffing jock (uhm, right) says 2.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fuck, fucking fuck.

I just have to bitch somewhere, and this is as good a place as any.

I got back from Göteborg today, and turned on my computer. Nothing. Nada. Not a single sound. Shit. After a few minutes of fiddling, it was time to just admit that the power supply was gone, and that I would have to buy a new one. Said and done, and walked down to the local computer store, and bought me a new power supply.

I was relieved when I had connected the new PSU, and the computer started up, and began booting. Until the dreaded "BOOT DISK FAILURE" message. Shit again. It appears my main drive is toast as well.

And just to make matters even worse, Windows BSODs when I try to boot from my installation CD, or from my old C:.

Time to start removing network and sound cards, and see if I can get it to boot. Otherwise I guess I'll have to assume that the motherboard is fucked too.

And this happens as the same time as those incompetent ass-munchers at Warthog decide to screw around with my salary. Oh well, I hope my landlord understands that raiding the Molten Core is more important than paying the rent, this month.

The Begining of the End?

I think I left Warthog at just the right time, because my gut feeling tells me that it's going to hell in a handbasket.

Some time around the 27:th of May, I noticed that I hadn't gotten any salary for that month. Nothing strange really, it happens sometimes, and is usually due to the fact that the owners in England are lazy bastards, and haven't given us any money yet. So, I chilled and thought nothing of it.

Around the 6:th of June, I realized that I still hadn't payed my rent, and that it might be a good idea to do so, so I phoned my bank, and noticed that I still hadn't gotten any bling bling.

I e-mailed the economygirl, but got no reply. I thought that it might be because I was using an old e-mailaddress, so I spammed her on several different ones, but still no reply. This morning I phoned her, and asked her what the hell was going on, and she informed me that we were probably going to get our cash today or tomorrow. I said that this was bullshit, and wanted an explanation, but she didn't have one to give, but she ensured me that the company wasn't going bankrupt.

I wonder if the sinking Warthog ship has finally taken on too much water, and that I somehow managed to climb right up to the top of the mast, and jump off at the right moment. Time will tell, I guess.