Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The panic button [the crisis has been averted]

After giving yesterday's events carefull thought, where things like quiting right away, becoming a poker pro, and the fact that my boss is an evil mastermind popped up, I realize that I might have hit the panic button a bit prematurely.

I think I can avoid being deported, if I, get this, actually start working again. It's funny how I've gotten so used to doing as I please (and getting paid for it), that the blindingly obvious solution was completely invisible to me.

Oh yeah, a big thank you to my supportive friends who started singing "Living in America" on ICQ. Thanks a bunch, guys.

By the way, I've optimized my hair product routine! The hand wash in phase 3 can actually safely be skipped.

Update! I'm not going anywhere!

I just spoke to the boss, and said that I just plain didn't want to go to Houston, and he accepted it. I am sooo relieved. On a related kind of cool side note, he asked what I wanted to do, and I said that I'd like to try some AI coding, seeing that I've been doing graphics for about a gazillion years.

This turned out to be a pretty lucky call, as it seems that Age of Empires for Gizmondo is going to be made in Sweden, and I'll probably end up helping out there. This will mean the end of my slacking days, but hey, it does actually sound like fun.


Blogger dooz said...

If it was just a "come and see how we work, we're not expecting you to do anything productive, and you'll be going home in a week or two" visit, then I would go in a heart beat.

But this was more a "they'll hopefully be done with their game by Christmas, and finding you a place to stay shouldn't be a problem" type thing, so it really felt like I was being deported, and not just overly dramatic :)

10:38 PM  

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