Friday, February 11, 2005

Pissed off

Once upon a time, the only thing I wanted to do was work at Blizzard, because I thought they made the best games in the world.

That time has passed.

During the WoW beta, I noticed several bugs, like getting stuck in looting poses, pet skills disappearing, AH items and money disappearing, but I thought that everything would be fixed by the time the game hit retail.

Then I started reading about the missing and/or bugged end game content, but I figured this would all be fixed by the time I finally dinged 60.

So, today I finally got my game, installed it, and clicked "Create Account". No dice. The fucking account creation page has been taken down due to heavy traffic. And to make matters worse, I checked the forums, and the exact same thing that happened when the US retail launched 3 months ago.

I just can't accept when people don't learn from the mistakes. I really pisses me off. And in this case, they knew the exakt amount of pre-orders, and could have stress tested their servers to see if the damn machines actually could handle the load.

I'm not saying that I'm going to be spending a good portion of my free time playing the game, because I am, and I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever had so much fun with a single game, as I've had with WoW.

The problem is basically living up to the hype and the reputation, and I dare say that this just hasn't worked out.

Being in the gay ministry, I know that things can get seriously fucked up, and sometimes you just have to bite the bullit, and release a buggy first version, and work your ass off for a patch.

The thing that scares me is the thought of all the weird bugs that can crop up in a MMO. Stuff that will never be found by QA, and even if someone does stumble upon it, it will be nearly impossible to reproduce. I mean, we had a single player game (albiet multithreaded), and we still have bugs that we can't reproduce. Even if Blizzard's QA doesn't suck as much ass as our's did, I don't envy the task. I think what I'm trying to say is that I don't know if all the bugs will actualy be fixed. Ever.


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