Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The plot thickens..

"Du har upprepade gånger kommit för sent till arbetet. Trots tillsägelser från företagets sida har ingen förbättring skett. Vi ser allvarligt på ditt beteende. Om det upprepas kan vi tvingas ompröva din anställning hos oss".

This note was on my desk when I arrived at work today. What can I say? It was pretty much inevitable, and I think I milked the situation for as long as was humanly possible.

The question I have to ponder now is, what's next? I mean, I'm not doing anything productive at work, and I haven't been given a single task the whole year. Between October and December last year, I think I actually worked two or three days. The situation as it stands is just plain absurd, but until Martin either offers me a job, or says that it isn't going to happen, I'm pretty much stuck here.

It really does suck ass.

Oh, yeah, I passed my economics exam. Woh-fucking-hooh.


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