Monday, January 03, 2005

How long does it take before I have a hole in my crotch?

Sooner or later, I always end up with a hole in the crotch of my trousers. I have several theories, ranging from an abnormal testicular temperature, to the fact that I probably just scratch my balls a lot.

On the 27:th of December 2004, I bought a new pair of trousers, that quickly became one of my favourite pairs. The aim of this post is to mark the starting date in the race to make my underwear visible.

We thank you for your attention.

Weekend recap: Didn't shower. Watched 20 episodes of Gilmore Girls. Drank glögg. Played poker. Didn't leave the sofa for more than five minutes at a time. Didn't wear aforementioned (or any) trousers. Excellent.


Blogger otto said...

You need a contest where readers can bet on how long it will take. The winner can get a prize and the losers.. hmm well they'll be bit by a devilfish or something.

3:06 AM  

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