Saturday, January 08, 2005

I need a hat

.. I don't care what you say, mr Benz, we're putting you on the pill. I just don't want you sleeping around with all..

oh, sorry, wrong window. My bad.

Anyway, I need to buy a hat. As the privileged few who know me might recall, I have quite the crusty mop sitting on top of my melon (gratuitous nod to Encino Man). A mop that tends to get into a pretty severe state of disarry when facing the gale storms that I'm subjected to on my way to the store.

As I see it, there are only two reasonable solutions to avoiding a bad hair day. 1) Trying to hire a friend as a butler, and 2) buying a hat.

I have been trying to hire my friend Carl for several years now, but to no avail. When he recently quit his job, and was refused A-kassa, I was pretty confident that I would be able to buy his services for an amount that would probably offend a polish blueberry picker. But nooo. The boy has his foolish pride to think about. Bah, humbug.

Enter plan B. The hat.

I've always been fascinated by hats. Especially the tall Abe Lincoln type ones (question: how do you keep one of those bad boys stuck on your head when it's windy outside? I wore my witches hat/cone on New Year, and it blew off at the slighest gust).

A few years ago, I borrowed a hat that I quite liked from my friend Shades. But as happens when you are foolish enough to borrow something from a friend, and then actually remind the person of it, they often want it back. Bummer. It was one of those "holiday on a hot greek island" type hats, that became trendy for a while, but now I hope have gone out of style again. I should look into getting one of those, I think.

I picked up my copy of the World Of Warcraft final beta, by the way. Yay. A time sink of epic proportions! Just what I need :)

I think it's gonna be cool though. It's hard not to get excited browsing the forums, reading up on the races and classes. Finding out who's a good tank, who does the most dps, why rouges pwn3d teh mages, f00l! Stuff like that.

But I'm afraid that my standard name "Woodrow Dicksmythe" isn't going to cut it. It just isn't medieval enough. Maybe I can run it through an anagram creator. Hrm.. Haha, "Chesty Kid Woodworm", or perhaps "Kitschy Wooded Worm", or even "Sodomy Wicked Worth". Damn, those are some fiiine names.

On a totally unrelated note, I love that my favourite toilet paper brand, Lambi, has a holiday edition, with little pink julbocks on it! Brilliant! And for the record, I like the way it feels on my ass, not the fact that if you collect and send in six bar codes, you'll get a free, cute, cudly Lambi pet.


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