Did you know that in the fifth century B.C., the Greek philosopher Thales gained control of most of the olive presses during a year of exceptionally productive harvests?
No? Well, World of Warcraft just fucking rocks!
Yesterday I popped my proverbial MMO-cherry, and started playing the European final beta of WoW. Along with about a gazillion other dudes, I might add.
The "what should I call my character" problem solved it self quite nicely, with the answer litterally hitting me in the face. The first thing I saw when I woke up on Sunday was my radiator, of the make
Danfoss. Perfect, I had a name.
At first the servers were going up and down like a yo-yo (I was going to say "like my friend Eerocenter's pants", but chose to refrain), but around 15:ish, it was time to create Danfoss, the mightly night elf hunter.
As just about everyone who uses teh intArnet plays MMOs (why have we all of a sudden dropped the RPG-bit? It's not like we're
getting laid anyway..), I'll spare most of the mundane details. Hell, I was like "shit guys! fire our shit!" when the game started for the first time, and I saw a bunch of blue guys jumping around. I was giddy with excitement as I walked around from person to person, asking "will u b my friend?!"
I had a great time roaming the countryside, picking on monsters, getting killed a couple of times, learning the noble art of making yummy food with spider's legs. Just after I (notice how I've, after a mere two paragraphs, already erased the boundary between Magnus and Danfoss) learned how to cook, I ran into the forest and started a cosy little camp fire. Suddenly this blue chixor appeared and lay down next to me. Damn! Why didn't I have "whip out penix" on a hotkey?!
The night did end on a sour note though, as I ran into a showstopper hunter bug. Somehow I lost my "feed pet", "revive pet" and some other pet related skills. I think the game got confused when I dismissed my cool night sabre pet, and started trying to tame squirrels. Oh well, reported this to a GM, and hopefully it'll get fixed pretty soon. I might just run around a bit, improving some skills, making some money (10 copper for a spider leg kebab? you've got to be kidding me!), but I'm not gonna be doing any elite quests without my pet tanking.
Sooo, I've got my economics exam this weekend. Pretty funky stuff. I chose microeconomics because I thought I might learn something useful, and it turns out I might have been right.
Ok, it's not like I'm eeeevar going to have anything to do with money, but I've just been reading about consumer surplus, and I really dig the concept. Consumer surplus is basically a dollar value assigned to, well anything really, that denotes how much more above market price you would've paid for the item. This, combined with opportunity cost (basically loss of income from doing A instead of B), can actually become interesting.
Instead of playing WoW, I could be playing poker, where I have a hourly profit of around $12. So according to economists, I would actually be okay paying 12 bucks an hour for WoW. Hrm. Ok. It was pretty stupid. I'll be quiet now.
Rounding off, I was pretty disappointed at the outcome of
New Years Revolution. I never really understood why Randy Orton lost his title after only a couple of weeks. He was a great champion, and his switch from heel to good guy worked, plain and simple. Perhaps it was too soon for him, seeing as the other contenders like Benoit, Tripple H and Shawn Michaels are probably 10-15 years older. Also, the whole Batista build-up? WTF? D00ds?! The audience was actually chanting his name when he, Randy and The Game were the only guys left.
It's probably all just politics, what with
The Game married into the McMahon family. But it sucks. Nepotism in wrestling. Now there's a topic for you. Can anyone say Jeff Jarrett?